How to compensate for the damage caused to the car in an accident?

How to compensate for the damage caused to the car in an accident?

Your own car is not only a comfortable means of transportation, but also a constant danger that accompanies the driver throughout the journey.

When a traffic accident occurs, there is a question of compensation for damages. For this purpose, the legislation of Ukraine stipulates that every driver must have an insurance policy, which is a guarantee of receiving monetary compensation. There are a number of actions that road accident participants must take to obtain compensation:

The victim must contact his insurance company.

 When a traffic accident occurs, there is a question of compensation for damages. For this purpose, the legislation of Ukraine stipulates that every driver must have an insurance policy, which is a guarantee of receiving monetary compensation.

 There are a number of actions that road accident participants must take to obtain compensation:

1. The victim must contact his insurance company.
The  perpetrator of the accident will not reimburse the damage. The victim must report the accident to the insurance agency of the perpetrator. The guilty party must also submit an application to his insurance company in time, so as not to reimburse the losses.

2. The company’s representatives on the part of the guilty party must inspect the damaged car of the victim to find out the amount of damage. But it should be noted that for a more objective assessment, you can contact the service station or special organizations involved in the assessment. There are cases when the actual amount of damages exceeds the limit of insurance payment. The victim should then file a lawsuit in court to have the difference paid personally by the perpetrator of the accident.

There are also certain nuances that need to be considered when reimbursing. Such as:

⦁ known or unknown culprit;

⦁ whether drivers have an insurance policy;

⦁ whether the vehicles are registered in Ukraine or not (in case of foreign registration, it is necessary to have a “Green Card” on the territory of Ukraine);

⦁ how you registered the accident, at the call of law enforcement or under the “European Protocol”.

All of the above affects both the amount of compensation and the time spent on it.

What to do if the court did not find the driver guilty?

Of course, everyone understands that there is a presumption of innocence in our country. This means that a person is not guilty of a crime of which he is suspected until his guilt is found by a court in the manner prescribed by law.

But there are different cases and such factors are taken into account

⦁ observance of traffic rules by road accident participants;

⦁ witnesses who saw the moment of the collision;

⦁ actions of each driver before, during and after the accident;

⦁ correct execution of documents by inspectors who arrived at the scene of the accident;

⦁ examination for the presence of injuries of victims or examination of accident victims, etc.

For example, if traffic rules have been violated forcibly,
the perpetrator cannot be prosecuted. Also if the perpetrator did not run away from the scene of the accident and helped the victims, this is a mitigating factor, which may later reclassify the case into administrative. It will be when the victim did not suffer significant damage and injury.

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