The medical reform in Ukraine – what is it and what to expect?

The medical reform in Ukraine – what is it and what to expect?

Reforms are primarily about “breaking the old” and “building the new.” This is a difficult stage in a society where someone wins and someone loses. Often people win and corruption schemes lose. The medical reform in Ukraine is an opportunity not only to create decent pay for the labor market but also to provide patients with quality services.

Why does the country need medical reform?

The old Soviet system of treatment in Ukraine is still used and constantly proves it does not work and needs change. It is important to optimize the number of the hospitals in Ukraine and to create conditions where doctors’ payment will depend on their number of patients.

The struggle for the medical reform is not the first year: it is gradual, difficult but it is progressing. This process is divided into several stages. It is characterized by massiveness and complexity. The second stage is being introduced right now.

The second stage of the medical reform

The purpose of the second stage is to improve medical care, to provide the child’s chance of life and to  introduce early detection of cancer. The National Health Insurance Fund has already concluded agreements with a large number of medical institutions throughout Ukraine.

The certain rules will change from April 1 in 2020. For example the electronic medical records starting to work. This is very convenient and effective. The doctor will have the ability to quickly look at all medical information about the patient. Everyone knows how to work with medical records kept in different ways. And how the important information disappears because some paper simply fell out. The new funding principle is emerging in the second phase of health care reform. Now medical services what effectiveness has been proven will fund. It’s convenient and it reduces inequality between doctors’ salaries in a small town and in big cities for the same work.

This situation creates competition. In terms of the healthy competition creates development and improvement of customer service.

The users have a lot of useful information in the UniExpert application. For example Ministry of Health numbers, patient center contact, government hotline where you can get comprehensive advice for health care reform. Also you will always have a list of the medical institutions can be contacted in any city.

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