Military salaries in 2021: what to expect and what will change?

Military salaries in 2021: what to expect and what will change?

Since 2014, the salaries of military personnel have been increasing. The security of the army has been increasing also. In 2021, an increase in the wages of military personnel is also expected. This increase applies to everyone, both contractors and reservists. What changes are expected in the pay of servicemen and what are they now?

Will military tariffs be abolished? How will this affect the financial security of the army?

New salary systems for the military are currently being developed. The new salary formula will be based on the title and the number of years of service. These two numbers will correspond to 70 percent of all monetary security.

The remaining 30 percent will be received as compensation or incentives. So the salary will depend on the following parameters:

✅ Service in combat units

✅ Availability among the scarce specialties

✅ Risk to life and health

✅ Staying in command positions

These are not the only parameters will be taken into account. So the new system should encourage the military to master new specialties and try to move up the career ladder. Because often in the army, the difference in wages between two different levels of service and the dangers is very small. This is especially true of military commissariats, where salaries are good and there is no risk to health.

The tariff levels known during the Soviet era should be completely abolished. This will bring military standards closer to NATO and eliminate corruption in military positions. Also, by changing the formulas for calculating financial security, it will be possible to increase the average salary by 30 percent. This will significantly affect what pensions the military will receive.

What payments do the military receive from the protected area?

In November last year, the military, who are on the first line of the JFO, received about 32 thousand hryvnias. At the same time, a special reward affects the level of wages. It was adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers in September. The impression is a safe environment is being created for carrying out combat missions. So an additional payment is issued if the commander was able to save the life and health of his soldiers while performing combat missions. This also applies to ordinary military personnel, the level of remuneration of which is from 5000 hryvnia. For commanders, the amount of payment is from 7 to 18 thousand hryvnia.

For minor violations, the amount of remuneration is reduced, but still provided. So 32 thousand hryvnia, which a simple military man receives, includes the following payments:

? 10 thousand cash support

? 17 thousand combat allowance

? 5 thousand for creating a safe environment

These are the minimum amounts the military receive on the first line of defense.